General Information | Release Information Details

General Information | Release Information Details

Release Requirements

The first step of uploading a new release consists of putting the basic metadata of the product.

Release Format

Choose the correct format of the release: Single, EP, or Album.

Note that each format contains particular specifications:

  • Single:

    • A release must be specified as a Single if it contains a single track.

    • A release must be specified as Single if it contains 3 tracks or less, and has a total duration of 30 minutes or less (unless the artist or label intends to release it as an EP, in which case it must be specified as EP).

    • A release must be specified as Single if it contains the same track with different track versions (unless the artist or label explicitly calls it an EP, in which case it should be specified as EP).

  • EP

    • A release must be specified as EP if it contains 4 to 6 tracks, and has a total duration of 30 minutes or less (unless the artist or label intends to release it as a Single, in which case it must be specified as Single).

    • A release must be specified as Single if it contains the same track with different track versions (unless the artist or label explicitly calls it an EP, in which case it should be specified as EP.)

  • Album

    • A release must be specified as Album if it contains 6 or more tracks, and has a total duration of 30 minutes or more (unless the artist or label intends to release it as an EP, in which case it must be specified as an EP.


Each participant must be added adequately to their roles:


  • Each artist must be individually credited with the correct Role assignment as Main Artist, Featured Artist, or Remixer.

  • Do not include multiple participant names within a single text field.

  • At least one (1) Main Artist is required.

  • Any product with four (4) or more Main Artists and/or Remixers will automatically be flagged as ‘Various Artists’ compilation on DSPs.

Writers & Publishers

  • Add credits for Writers & Publishers that are involved with the creation of the musical works within the release.

  • Each entry must be individually credited with the correct Role assignment such as Composer, Lyricist, Songwriter, or Publisher.

  • Do not add Writers & Publishers if they do not contribute to every track within the release.

Additional Contributors

  • Add credits for studio personnel and Additional Contributors that are involved with the creation of sound recordings within the release.

  • Each entry must be individually credited with the correct Role assignment.

Do not add Additional Contributors here if they do not contribute to every track within the release.

Rights Info

Music Rights Holder means any record label, music publisher, songwriter, artist, photographer, or any other holder of any rights in any sound recording, musical composition, artwork (including album art, liner notes, and other collateral works), chart, music database or other Copyright.

Rights Holders, (C) Info, and (P) Info are required to be included for any given release in order to be distributed.

(C) Info

The (C) Info, marked with a ©, is the copyright of the music but not the sound recording itself. The C Line signifies the copyright owner of the music but not recordings of it.

(P) Info

The (P) Info, marked with a ℗, identifies the owner to the rights of a sound recording.

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